I’m sitting at my computer, pondering what to write this month. Yesterday, April 8, 2024, was a monumental day with the eclipse. I watched interviews with astronauts on NASA all day. NASA showed live coverage of totality along the path from Mexico to Maine. The reaction of the crowds in each of the cities was moving. Even the sports announcers were emotional. The way the Earth, Moon, and Sun aligned was incredible—only God.

It’s April 9, 2024, today. On April 9, 1988—I’ll do the math—36 years ago, I said “I Do” to Joe Beaver, the love of my life. It’s fun to reflect on the beginning of marriage and compare those times to today. Regardless of the trials and tribulations, bliss is the memory we choose to recount. There’s always something new occurring in a relationship.

“New Beginnings” sounded like an excellent heading for this month’s blog. Cheers to new beginnings.

Last weekend, I visited the mountains with friends. Birds chirping like alarm clocks invited the world to enjoy the incredible view. The air was crisp with a light breeze. Variegated colors of green-painted trees and lavender flowers blooming throughout the landscape was a welcome reminder that spring brings new beginnings.

However, some of these spring surprises bring allergies. For some, spring is a welcome sight, while others are trapped indoors or forced to take allergy medication to alleviate discomfort. It reminds me of being told in a museum to look but not touch—in spring’s case; we should look but don’t breathe.

You heard it here first. Spring brings Baseball Season- America’s favorite pastime. Play Ball!

Let’s spring forward to other beginnings. Beginnings can be a new way to complete a task— easy, difficult, or just different and uncomfortable initially.

For instance, maybe you are moving to a new country, state, city, or community. What about starting a new job or a new school? There will be new people, doctors, pharmacies, and ice cream shops. (Just checking to make sure you’re following along.)

I have always welcomed new adventures in life. Think of beginnings as freshness to routines. Or maybe an opportunity to start a new routine. Perhaps it’s an opportunity to meet new people. It could be time to have new experiences with friends and family we don’t see that often.

I challenge you and myself to be more in the present and find treasures that come with starting something new and exciting. Remember, it’s essential to be a lifelong learner. There is so much to learn and relearn. Just saying.

Last month, we discussed the positive and negative effects technology has imposed on us.

Every day is a new beginning with technology. There is always something to learn. Technology advances are making our lives easier in some cases and more complicated in others. Maybe we should look at technology as a fresh challenge. No more referring to it as the ball and chain that will drag us down. Think of the conveniences that we enjoy because of new technology.

Technology is not the icing on the cake but the main ingredient necessary to navigate today’s world. Time is a factor. Make time to learn something new in technology or another area of interest. New can be exciting—just saying.

Please leave a comment to share some new beginnings in your life.

Inquiring minds would like to know.


13 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Spring is a great time to think of new beginnings, a much better time than New Years. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Spring is a good time to think about new beginnings! With the reminders of the new flowers and buds to help us remember that it is always time to start something new!

  3. I am thankful for your words of affirmation and encouragement! I love that “His mercies are new every morning.” Lam 3:23

  4. As you know, I’m in a new season. I found your post enlightening and encouraging, and I enjoyed the beautiful descriptions. Love your writing style!

  5. Spring is “let’s go plant shopping” and make our yards new! It is like an awakening from the winter to get out and exercise ! Don’t just sit- get fit!

    1. Nancy, I have always loved your slogan, “Don’t just sit-get fit!” You have a fabulous yard year-round. I know you spend a lot of time on your beautiful flowers. I personally don’t work in the yard. I’m allergic to bees, etc. It’s a health hazard for me. I have a yard guy, JB, aka as my husband, that takes care of that. LOL

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